From Fight and Flight to 'Rest, Digest and Feather Your Nest’

Body Centred Retreat for Health Care professionals  

March 22 & 23

Saturday and Sunday

10am - 5pm

Investment: $xxxx

CERES Community Eco Park, on the Merri Creek, Brunswick

The events of this past year have created a trauma response in many front-line workers. 

The thing with trauma is, it lives in our bodies, not just our minds, and we can't just talk ourselves out of it when the danger passes. 

It spills over into our daily lives, and can have us numbing down, or freaking out at little things.

Katie de Araujo is a body-centered therapist with expertise in gaining the trust of your body and watching the mind follow.

In this weekend retreat:

~ you will learn ways to structure a safe feeling into your days

~ you'll be able to turn off the vigilance, and

~ spend many more hours a day in the playful, open way we wish for

Your energies will be freed up for creative self-care, not needless self-defence.

The upward spiral starts happening for you.

Book Here

Come and join convivial meals

and time in nature,

shared with friends,

a home you love being in,

and a body that loves you back. 


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