Katie de Araujo, Yoga Therapist since 2010
Who Refers to Yoga Therapy with Katie de Araujo?
Referals usually come to me through GP’s, specialists and counsellors.
Why refer?
When the client is in need of:
meditation and breath practices to manage stress and sleep issues
movement & postural alignment to manage on-going health problems
a shift in perspective, a pause to reflect
When standard medical treatments are unsuccessful.
Is Yoga Therapy based on Science?
Much of Yoga’s wisdom has been known for thousands of years. Now modern science has redefined much of that knowledge to be clear and accessible to today’s evidence based ways of knowing. Such as this cross-sectional study.
For example the role of Nitric Oxide in breathing practices, or how to regulate the parasympathetic nervous system through movement practices.
Even still, a Yoga Therapist understands that human beings can have real knowledge about their own wellbeing that a microscope or questionnaire cannot measure.
What are the standard practices of Yoga Therapy?
After initial discussion an assessment is made through further discussion, movement, or touch/palpation.
Yoga Therapy address the whole person (physical, emotional & mind) through:
movement (the science of the body)
breath (the science of the breath)
philosophy/ outlook on life
meditation practices (the science of the mind)
mantra and chanting (steady the mind, uplift the emotions)
relaxation practices such as Yoga Nidra
What has Yoga Therapy with Katie provided?
Case Study: Pain due to chronic inflammation was referred to yoga when all alternatives were unsuccessful. The treatment was focused on the parasympathetic nervous system and polyvagal theory. The client eliminated 90% of pain within 12 months of weekly classes. Read clients full testimonial.
Case Study: Client with chronic pain due to tumour behind one eye. In one session client experienced a deep relaxation process. From there we found ways to respond to the sensations (of pain) and to train the awareness to decrease reactions to the sensations. The client was in a calm state to consider and talk to a range of feelings and thoughts. The client reported feeling clearer and lighter because of the process especially due to be able to consider repressed or overlooked concerns.
Case Study: Client with foot pain that physios and podiatrist had not been able to effectively treat. We practiced a range of foot movements, learned mobilising techniques, connected the hips to the equation and found ways to take more weight off the foot to decrease inflammation.
Case Study: Client with medical condition and related stress. Weekly meditation sessions along with somatic movement practices to regulate the nervous system. Personal inquiry practice using the mBraining technique (Grant Soosalu & Marvin Oka) resulted in insights and uplifting conversations improving outlook on life and self-efficacy.
How to refer patients / clients?
Email katie@bodycentred.com